When providing advice to entrepreneurs across the country, it’s important for the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to deliver its message in a compelling, easy-to-understand way. From basic business definitions to practical how-to guides, Ascribe’s writers and editors are always ready to support with engaging and informative web articles.

How Ascribe helped

BDC provides financing and advisory services to small and medium-sized enterprises across Canada, supporting entrepreneurs in all industries and at all stages of their development. Ascribe is proud to help BDC give that advice to entrepreneurs, having written or edited nearly 100 articles for the BDC website since 2017.

These articles have covered a broad range of topics. We’ve provided clear and concise explanations of business terms and processes, such as business coaching, succession planning and liquidity. We’ve delivered practical, how-to guidance and advice, telling entrepreneurs how to develop a marketing plan, conduct a competitive analysis, create a social media marketing strategy or get a business loan with a bad credit score. We’ve also written articles on entrepreneur mental health, such as tips for preventing and managing burnout, and on sustainability for BDC’s Climate Action Centre, including a guide to energy-efficient building retrofits.

In some cases, our task is to update an existing article to incorporate quotes and insights from a BDC business advisor or to present the content in a more scannable, easy-to-digest way. In others, we’re called upon to develop articles from scratch, researching, interviewing and writing the piece from start to finish. Background research and a focused content-gathering interview help us find the core story and the details we need to tell it. We bring a rigorous, journalistic approach to each assignment, articulating BDC’s thought leadership and unique perspective to entrepreneurs in an engaging and approachable style. Diligent project management is also essential when arranging interviews with internal and external subject-matter experts and when circulating drafts for review and sign-off.

BDC has been consistently happy with the articles we have produced. These successful engagements have led us to assist with other collateral over the years, including web pages for BDC Venture Capital, white papers and more.

Bdc blog

Deliverable: Blogs

Our process:

  • Background material review
  • Content-gathering interviews with executives and subject-matter experts
  • Content outlines
  • Writing and revisions

Learn more about our blog and article writing service!

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Canadian Institute for Health Information copyediting
The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) collects, analyzes and shares comparable and actionable data that supports health-care system improvement across Canada. To help achieve its mission, the organization turned to Ascribe to ensure its written materials were accurate, clear and free of errors.
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Canadian Partnership Against Cancer messaging script
A messaging script serves as the foundation for an organization’s external communications. When the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer needed to update and expand its corporate narrative to better tell its story to partners, funders and staff, Ascribe was ready to help every step of the way.
Royal Canadian Mint coin catalogues
The Royal Canadian Mint produces some of the world’s most beautiful coins, which it promotes to collectors through a variety of high-quality marketing materials. Ascribe has established an on-call relationship with the Mint that includes copyediting and proofreading its marketing brochures and catalogues.
CCSA Issues of Substance event coverage
The 2021 Issues of Substance conference was attended by more than 750 online participants. To help the key themes and takeaways reach even more people, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) asked Ascribe to attend the virtual event, take detailed notes and write an easy-to-read summary report.
Boldyn Networks website
Bringing together six companies under a unified brand identity, Boldyn Networks needed a website that reflected its position as one of the world’s largest network infrastructure providers — and differentiated itself from its legacy business. It called on the Ascribe team to craft the content for dozens of pages capturing its new bold and dynamic tone of voice.
Ccsa annual
CCSA 2022–2023 annual report
Ascribe has led the development of the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) annual report since 2006. In 2022–2023, the organization’s CEO retired after more than 15 years in the role — so we worked closely with CCSA’s leadership and communications teams to deliver a report that told a compelling story while reflecting the incoming CEO’s vision for the future.