It's a common challenge for organizations of all sizes: getting everybody in the company on the same page and delivering its key messages in a consistent way. Branding can take care of some of this, but usually only at a high level. Plus, developing a new brand can be time consuming — and in the meanwhile, there's still a lot of business to get done.
That's where a focused, practical messaging script can be a huge benefit.
Messaging scripts give ready-to-use language and consistent direction for communicating what an organization does and how it stands out from its competitors.
Let’s say your company makes whiteboard markers. A script can give your marketers and salespeople messages to use in promotional emails, presentations and other material about why your markers are exceptional. It can also provide sets of messages for different audiences or customer segments, like teachers (fun scents!) or executives (longer-lasting!).
A messaging script often includes the following elements:
Of course, each messaging script will be different depending on the organization and its needs. Some scripts might include a section succinctly explaining the company’s processes or products, answers to frequently asked questions, notes on corporate tone of voice, and other key messages. No matter what’s inside, the script serves as a starting point to make sure you’re being consistent in what you say when you go out into the world to talk about your organization.
Unlike full-on branding, a messaging script can usually be developed through a single facilitated discussion with strategic leaders and other key internal stakeholders. It's a lean exercise that helps us isolate the most essential elements of your brand and its voice, which we’ll use to craft on-target messaging as part of a tool with broad application.
Value propositions and key messages are central to the marketing of any brand, product or service. They help your team understand your aims and values, then relay them clearly and consistently — ensuring every asset and every touchpoint is reinforcing your brand in the minds of your target audiences. And by investing in a messaging script now, you’ll save time and effort later by not having to rework your marketing communications collateral to ensure everything is consistent across all channels.
If your organization could benefit from a go-to messaging script but you're unsure where to start, don't hesitate to reach out to us.